Our Services

Troubleshooting and Bearing Damage Analysis

Rolling bearings are precision made and reliable engineering components that are produced in millions and used in almost every machine today. This is the reason for developing a particular branch of science that deals exclusively with rolling bearings technology.

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Design of Mechanical and Process Equipment

We are capable of designing various machines and parts as per our clients requests.

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Bearing Application Design and Selection

Rolling bearings are precision made and reliable engineering components that are produced in millions and used in almost every machine today. This is the reason for developing a particular branch of science that deals exclusively with rolling bearings technology.

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Power Transmission

We design new drive applications, analyze existing ones and suggest improvements.
Our “drop-in” packages replace existing drives with new ones ready to be installed using existing mounting arrangements, with minimal changes.

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Materials Handling

We can provide complete conveyor design, including drive design (motor, gearbox, couplings, clutches, belt/chain drives etc..) and/or selection, conveyor configuration, type of conveyor, components (idlers, pulleys, buckets, screws etc..) and the supporting structural structure.

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Mechanical Maintenance Improvement Projects

“We have always done that this way!”
How many times have I heard that sentence! And how many times I had to say: ” Unfortunately, you have been doing it wrong all the time, and in the process you have lost a ton of money.”
Maintenance related costs are composed of …

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Project Management and Plant Shutdown

No project is too small or too big for us. We understand that project does not only consists in meeting deadlines, but also involves teamwork, managing various stakeholders and the multiple communication channels that come with it.

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Training Seminars

We can custom create training seminars to improve your maintenance practices. We can cover topics related to bearing handling, lubrication, failure analysis of damaged bearings etc…

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