Project Management and Plant Shutdown

Project Management and Plant Shutdown 2560 1707 Voya

Project Management and Plant Shutdown

Project Management

No project is too small or too big for us. We understand that project does not only consists in meeting deadlines, but also involves teamwork, managing various stakeholders and the multiple communication channels that come with it.

Plant Shutdown and major equipment repair planning

Voya has mastered planning of plant shutdowns while working at Lehigh Cement Delta Plant as Planning and Plant Engineer.  He uses MS Project as a project management software and Critical Path as the planning method.

The shutdown planning is a continuous process which usually starts at the very end of the previous shutdown. 

The plan and financial forecast are updated all along this process. 

Once the critical path has been determined, based on client’s input, the length and cost of the shutdown can be assessed.

MDM Engineered Solutions can provide two major levels of shutdown and/or major equipment repair planning:

  1. Plan the shutdown and provide the client with a plan (Gantt chart, resource allocation and usage charts) and cost forecast.
  2. In addition to the above provide shutdown and critical path management and cost control.

Both levels will have multiple sub levels of execution depending of client’s requirements and needs for in depth resolution.

Here is a couple of screenshots from MS Project:

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